We are an all-volunteer organization of people with a common goal of helping Senior and special needs Doberman Pinschers. That need may be financial for Doberman Rescue Groups, or it may be only information and/or moral support for the owner of a Doberman with a serious illness or injury. We will also aid Rescue Groups in rehoming and fostering senior Dobermans they may place under their care. The financial aid we provide may come from donations, occasional online auctions or SND Store sales. Every precaution is taken to assure that the need is real. SND maintains an "every penny" rule which guarantees that 100% of donations to the care of Dobermans is used ONLY for that purpose. Administrative costs are covered with proceeds from our online store, by designated donations and by occasional auctions specifically for that purpose.
Needs Dobermans
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Please enjoy this beautiful tribute to Rescued Dobermans everywhere - brought to us by a believer!!
Give me the ugly dog with one eye, three legs,
and help me show that they're more than just a form and a face.
Give me the scarred dog, burned and slashed with hate,
and help me lead it away from that terrible fate.
Give me the deaf and blind dog, and help me show it the way
in the silence and dark of each of their days.
Give me the shutdown dog, depressed of mind,
and help me cherish their soul until their fears unwind.
Give me the old dog, bent and broken with age,
and help me fill their last days with an unending grace.
Give me the ugly dog, I'll leave the pretty one for you,
and help me show them they're worthy of love and joy, too.
Leslie Bird NuccioAbout Leslie:
Leslie Bird Nuccio is former President of Doberman Rescue of North Carolina – she speaks from her heart for all who do this amazing work on behalf of those who would otherwise have no voice, no future.
Meet The SNDobes Helped With General Funds!!
These Special Needs Dobermans were helped with one-time grants from our most important fund, the General Fund. This fund is used to help Dobermans fortunate enough to find themselves in Rescue Groups. Assistance is only provided for extraordinary expenses. These grants can be augmented by your generous contributions to any of these precious Dobes!! Private owners will be provided the necessary information to help them fundraise for their own Dobes as well as being given information to reduce their costs for medications and ways to seek additional information about Doberman illnesses.
January, 2025: Meet Mr. Schmitt! This sweet 11-month old puppy was rescued by the wonderful people at Saving Dobermankind Animal Rescue (SDAR) in Fountain, Colorado. He had been on Craigslist’s as a "cute Doberman puppy" and was sold for $100 to one of SDAR’s fosters. After having fostered him for a while, it was noticed that he was definitely not “right.” SDAR thought they were getting a 14-week old puppy that they could easily find a home for. His early routine check-up turned into further investigation because of his misshapen skull. The resulting x-rays and exams showed the whys and wherefores. Clinical opinion was that Schmitt had suffered from blunt-force trauma to his head causing brain injury which also affected his pituitary gland. The prognosis is he will remain developmentally slow, both mentally and physically. That outward appearance and behaviors nevertheless makes him and adorable and incredibly goofy kid – forever young! HE doesn’t think that’s so bad after all. What’s not to love here? His Foster Mom would agree – she’s a very special lady who has utmost patience and love for him. He will require a special needs caretaker and that would be almost impossible to find, much less someone who would adopt him. It’s likely he will remain where he is loved for everything he is. He is a very special boy that needs someone equally special and he has that here. Schmitt is still a typical Doberman… loves people, playing with other dogs, and getting cuddles. So,right now, this lovebug needs some dental work which if not done could become infected and he could get septicemia. This tooth is black and dead. This poor boy has been through enough, now he has to go to the dentist?! Well, yes! Thankfully, due to the love and care from SDAR this pup will get the care he needs to survive and thrive, but, we all need to help them with any donation you can make to keep their coffers on the black side! Please send anything you can to help them cover the expenses that they have had so far and will continue to cover for this sweet soul, Schmitt. Anything will help! Just choose your method of donating - either USPS or PayPal, and you will see instructions for the next steps. This Band of Angels needs our help! Schmitt, SDAR and all of us at SND are forever grateful for your kindness!! Want to see a picture of a young boy's bliss? Just click right here to see for yourself https://www.doberman911.org! THANK YOU MUCH!! Lorri Ketterman, SND Case Manager |
January, 2025: Sweet
Lucas is beginning his Happy New Year recovered from his near-death
experience at a VERY HEFTY cost!! Now he returns to eradicate
the last threat to his immediate further life and happiness. He's
back for a little more help from his friends - ALL of us!! He
is starting treat for deadly heartworm disease. This will take
over 3 months treatment followed by complete rest until he tests negative
for HW. And then? Off to begin a new happy life with a Forever
Family! We wish him the best and hope you'll join us once again!!
Mars & SND Case team! THANK YOU!! |
December 2024 Still Active High $$ Cases
December, 2024: One never knows what might be found along the curb of any given street or road. Let's set the scenerio - the city is Compton, California. It is a bright, sunny day with the temperature a sweltering *105 plus* degrees. On this blistering hot day on the street, a good samaritan finds an intact male Doberman 'literally baking' on the steaming hot street, his back against the curb... barely conscious! He is actively slowly, and painfully, dying. The good sam moved the Doberman, now known as Sam, into the shade. She provided water for him then called Animal Control. She sat with Sam for hours... but no one ever came to help. Not knowing what to do next, this wonderful angel reached out to the Rescue Warriors of Bella and Sunshine Rescue in Ontario, CA. The B&SR transport team immediately went into action - they rushed to save Sam from the atrocities of the streets and into the care of the B&SR veterinarian. He's guesstimated to be about 5-6 years old. His condition was critical. Not only was he severly dehydrated, he had three teeth with exposed roots (!!), a large cauliflower looking mass on a nipple, and an enlarged right eyeball with drainage, as well as having giardia and tapeworms. (How did this poor fellow ever survive??) Sam was vaccinated, tested for vWD (which was only moderately in the normal range), given meds for his eye and for pain and infection as well as parasite treatment and xrays of his teeth. Sam is improving however his eye isn't responding as hoped. The treatment plan is castration, enucleation with biopsy, nipple mass removal with biopsy and extraction of three teeth. This unexpected expense has brought B&SR to our SND family with hope of assistance with making Sweet Sam healthy and totally pain free. The surgical procedures are a MUST, not optional. These times are tough, especially for all rescues and shelters, and the holidays are upon us. We ask if you could please find it in your hearts to help B&SR with a gift of any amount! Please remember, NO gift is ever too small and each and every donation is greatly appreciated! The Dobes, the rescues and we at SND are profoundly grateful for your assistance. Rescues would not exist without the kindness of donations! Just click on your preferred method of donating - either USPS or PayPal, and you will see instructions for the next steps. This is certainly the season of giving and any donation you make will be matched dollar for dollar by our very generous SECRET SANTA until December 31st!! Want to see another pic of our new DUDE in the making? Here's Sam, a Good Sam, named for his very own Good Sam... Just click right here to see for yourself https://www.doberman911.org! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Beth McCahren, SND Case Manager |
December, 2024: What a lovely young lady! Sweet and reserved Miss Muffins arrived at Bella and Sunshine Rescue in Ontario, California, a beautiful and for the most part healthy - but carrying a very worrisome secret. She is affected with an extremely low vWd clotting factor of 8!. For those who don't know, this means any cut or scrape (not to mention surgery) has the potential to be fatal. It is a condition that is not inherently obvious until a fatal bleeding incident can cause death. vWd dogs can live their entire lives without ever encountering a cut or scrape to reveal this dangerous and scary factor in their blood as the clotting factor can and does vary at times. It becomes essential that any vet is warned about it before any procedure. Happily, our good friends at Bella and Sunshine Rescue test all their Dobermans for vWd when it's time to alter them. Muffins came to them as a stray, and she's about 3 years old, so no one knows how long she'd been running around just a few steps ahead of potential disaster. We are infinitely grateful to Bella and Sunshine for rescuing, caring for and testing Muffins to make certain she'll live a long, happy and healthy life. First on the agenda is spay surgery for Muffins, which means her surgeons must have ample clotting factor on hand at surgery time to assure Muffins can safely undergo her spay. Many vets opt not to alter vWd dogs due to the danger of hemorrhage, AND due to the cost of the clotting factor itself. But the Angels of Bella and Sunshine want to best for the lovely young lady knowing she'll be much more comfortable and happy with spay surgery and not in danger of a heat period from which she could fatally hemorrhage. Clotting factor is expensive, and has a limited shelf life and luckily her Vet got the the clotting factor and Miss Muffins has now had a successful surgery and did very well. Let's all send happy wishes and a cheerful donation to SND so BS&R can try to recoup the additional expense of her surgery and so keep these Angels doing their amazing work in the SoCal jungles. Muffins can happily welcome the New Year with all of us! Just click on your preferred method of donating - either USPS or PayPal, and you will see instructions for the next steps. This is certainly the season of giving and any donation you make will be matched dollar for dollar by our very generous SECRET SANTA until December 31st!! Ready for a sweet little piece of a Muffins? Just click right here for this treat https://www.doberman911.org! Thank you, and happy wishes for the festive season from Special Needs Dobermans, Muffins, me and my Jaina, Leslie Young, SND Case Manager. And yes, I love muffins!! |
December, 2024: Perfect name for a spirited, all natural red head! Hazel was rescued from another overloaded shelter in SoCal by the wonderful folks at Dobies and Little Paws Rescue aka Doberman Pinscher Rescue of Fillmore, California. She has a most beautiful red coat on the lighter side of chestnut shade commonly seen. But, she also had a very odd growth on her left shoulder the size of a golf ball. It looked like a very thick callous, but it kept opening up and weeping fluid. The LPR/DPR nursing team tried all kinds of first aid treatments and wound care to get the area to heal but it stubbornly kept opening up. A visit to their vet said it was actually an abscess under scar tissue and the only way to keep it closed was to remove the lump. Okay, DPR saw to it that an excision was done and now she has quite a big scar on her shoulder - with luckily no signs of cancer for Miss Hazel. No worries, her scar will cover over in time. So, her beautiful eyes that seem to be looking for someone to be her protector and family may soon get the chance to gaze upon her new, wonderful life! No one knows why she ended up in the shelter, an owner dump, an escapee, a turn in? Most all shelters are over capacity with strays and turn-ins by people who claim to find a ‘wandering’ dog that is not theirs. But now Miss Hazel is safe. She is a sweet, loving girl, good with other dogs and is a rocket on walks – always wanting to explore! Now that she is healthy she is ready to rocket into a very lucky family’s heart and have her happily ever after. Please help DLP/DPR by sending in a donation to help cover Hazel’s surgery and keep DLP/DPR financially able to keep saving amazing Dobies like Hazel. Anything will help! Just click on your preferred method of donating - either USPS or PayPal, and you will see instructions for the next steps. This is certainly the season of giving and any donation you make will be matched dollar for dollar by our very generous SECRET SANTA until December 31st!! Ready for a pretty red head piece of eye candy? Heeeere's Miss Hazel... Just click right here to see for yourself https://www.doberman911.org! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Lorri Ketterman, SND Case Manager |
Special Needs Dobermans is a nonprofit 501(3)(c) corporation. We are able to help Dobermans and their families thanks to the generosity of people like you. Your donation to SND is tax deductible. All money donated on behalf of the Dobermans, every cent, goes towards their care. The SND General Fund is used to get new Dobes that come our way some initial assistance. Donations made to this fund ensure that we'll always be able to help, now and in the future. Please consider making a contribution to the General Fund by using the PayPal Donation link below or by mailing in a donation. Thank you very much for helping us help Dobes in need! |
Please Support SND by using iGive/iSearch and GoodSearch/Shop to search or shop!
Between iGive and Goodshop, thousands of merchants are listed who provide discounts for purchases made using their portals - these translate into Dollars for Dobermans paid to SND to support our mission!!
Or, you can just choose one of our Funds and make a donation!!
For more information about Special Needs Dobermans, please email info@doberman911.org.
Some states may prohibit or restrict the solicitation of donations via the Internet or web sites. SND has no intention of violating the laws of any state and, therefore, does not intend to solicit funds in those states that prohibit or restrict such solicitations.
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