The Senior Doberman
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We're positively thrilled to announce
that Hope has a new family to love her!
Manchester, Tennessee
Individual: Teri Dugan at Terra Dell Dobermans
Page About Hope
was abandoned and some point shortly before she was found, her
hind leg was broken. A woman found her and had her leg splinted
at her vets and then she contacted Teri Dugan. Teri took Hope
home and started caring for her. She took her into her vet to
be evaluated and to get an estimate on what it would cost to fix
the leg and get her back on her feet. Hope had successful surgery
to put external pins and a plate on the broken leg, as well as
blood testing and heart worm testing.. The vet thinks that her
age is probably to 8-10 years. She is heart worm free, and though
her kidney values were a little high on the blood test, he thought
it was probably a result of dehydration. He put her on fluids
to help flush her system. She was also under weight but not severely.
In all he thought her prognosis for a full recovery was excellent.
Hope's recovery
is going great and she is moving around very well, especially considering
that her other leg has a touch of arthritis. Hope is docked and
cropped, and has been spayed. She has no other known medical needs
after her latest examination. Please help us find this truly lovable
girl a home!
More Pictures
of Hope!
My cast is
Hope's Very Happy Tail!
5/10/03 - Hope's new Mom wrote the following about Hope's new home:
"Hope is a lovely senior citizen. She is a true Doberman.
She loves to lay in the sun and she can't wait to greet visitors with a smile and tail wagging.
Since SND helped Hope out (Thanks! Your group is great!) and paid to repair her broken leg,
her leg is totally healed and she is doing very well.
I wish people were not afraid to give these seniors a chance.
They are really missing out on a great old friend.
Since Hope has settled in so well and loves to hang around her friend Wiley,
our almost 15 yr old Dobe, we have decided there are so many other Dobermans
out there in need of a home. Our hope is someone else will adopt another senior
Doberman in place of Hope, because Hope has a home with us. Then two seniors will get new homes."
Seniors In Need
SDP - Hope!
All rights reserved, Special Needs
Dobermans, Inc. © 2002. Reprinting of material found herein without
written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property
of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or
reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied
without permission. |