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Bella !!

Seeking Forever Home!!
Date Listed
Albuquerque, NM

High Desert Doberman Rescue

Primary Contact:
Anthony Martinez
High Desert Doberman Rescue
805-524-5102; 818-317-1054

Meet Miss Bella!!
a.k.a. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na... Batwoman!!

Batwoman and Robin in the Batmobile!!

Sweet Bella came to rescue when her owner passed away suddenly leaving her and a young shepherd to family members who had no plans for them and were going to have them euthanized. Rescue contacts got them transferred to HDDR to save them. The little shepherd is a gem and was socialized then transferred to another rescue partner in Windsor, CO. Bella is doing well and was recently spayed. She will begin pack integration as soon as she is recovered from the surgery. She is smart, attentive, and has the cutest ears. Resistance is futile!!

Special Needs if any: None

Geographic areas for adoptions: Southwestern region of the US.

The Sponsor A Senior program helps Seniors by raising funds for their rescue programs. This helps offset some of the additional costs that come with caring for a senior (diet, medications, supplements, etc.). Please read more about this program on the Sponsor A Senior page.

Miss Bella is looking for a sponsor! The cost to sponsor a Senior Dobe is $40 per month or $480 per year. You can sponsor a Senior for one month, one year, or somewhere in between. To sponsor Miss Bella , use the PayPal button below or visit the Sponsor A Senior page for instructions on sending a check. Thank you for any help you can give, it is MUCH appreciated!

Use PayPal to Sponsor Bella!!

All rights reserved, Special Needs Dobermans, Inc. © 2002. Reprinting of material found herein without written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998-2021 L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied without permission.