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Reden! Adopted January 2009!!

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Date Listed
Greensboro, North Carolina
Rescue Group:Doberman Rescue of the Triad

Doberman Rescue of the Triad

Primary Contact

Carol Fama

Like the Phoenix, rising restored from its own ashes, this Doberman will find a new strength and a new energy at DRT. There are suspicions, very strong suspicions, that this dog was owned by someone who acquired another male dog. Reden didn’t much like having his territory invaded by the young dog, and as it matured, there were incidences where teeth were bared and threatening growls exchanged. The owner (if this is the dog he owned) decided to discard the Doberman and to keep the new, younger dog. Everyone has an opinion and his was to discard his Doberman and opt for the showiest one. Now all of us have tough decisions to make but (if this is the dog) this treatment seems to show a complete lack of loyalty, kindness, decency, devotion or grace by the human.

A Doberman, a stray Doberman, was found near this guy’s residence in an emaciated, dilapidated and profoundly unhealthy condition. The poor animal was brought to DRT from the shelter and was taken into Elijah’s house and treated for his most obvious critical conditions. He was taken to the vet who said that he would have to treat him for heartworms and that while he was going to be neutered eventually the dog was in such bad shape that the vet would wait until he recovered some of his strength.

We fear that this poor animal has been treated less than kindly and has been living on bare subsistence. Like all of God’s creatures, he deserves better. Now is the time to look inside and see if there is something that we all can do to bring this creature back to health and place within him a knowledge that he is indeed loved and is worthy of that love.

There is a great deal of heartbreak and sadness in life. None of us can avoid it altogether but when that sadness is mistreatment of a helpless Doberman by an uncaring human it is time for the rest of us to stand up and be counted. We may not owe Reden a new life but we owe it to ourselves to see to it that this wrong is set right. Reden cannot live another life but he can surely live the rest of this life with all the love and security we can offer. Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that he will be at first bewildered and then filled with joy at finally emerging from the darkness into a beautiful life?

Contact Information: Doberman Rescue of the Triad will adopt to homes in North Carolina and contiguous states, as well as other areas depending on circumstances. Please contact Carol Fama by phone at 336-621-3453 or by e-mail at Adoption information and application are available on their website at


The Sponsor A Senior program helps Seniors by raising funds for their rescue programs. This helps offset some of the additional costs that come with caring for a senior (diet, medications, supplements, etc.). Please read more about this program on the Sponsor A Senior page.

Reden is looking for a sponsor! The cost to sponsor a Senior Dobe is $30 per month or $360 per year. You can sponsor a Senior for one month, one year, or somewhere in between. To sponsor Reden, use the PayPal button below or visit the Sponsor A Senior page for instructions on sending a check. Thank you for any help you can give, it is MUCH appreciated!

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All rights reserved, Special Needs Dobermans, Inc. © 2002. Reprinting of material found herein without written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied without permission.