Miss Sandy!! She's on her way to heaven...
thinks she has arrived!! We know you will agree!!
Senior lady Sandy was jumped by her family into a high kill
North Carolina Shelter when they moved to that infamous
state that doesn't allow dogs. DAN (Doberman Assistance
Network) heard of her situation and stepped in to find her
a rescue. IDR agreed to take her and she seemed to love
everyone she met during her long 12 hr. transport. She certainly
isn't short on the dober trait of "charm". For
a Senior she is pretty feisty and quite the butt wiggler.
She has some hair loss that is typical for the fawn but
that just means less hair to vacuum! She is house broken
and crate trained and would be a wonderful addition to any
family who enjoys Dober-love!
Needs if any: None.
areas: Illinois and the surrounding states
Contact Information: Illinois Doberman Rescue will place
Dobes in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, or Wisconsin. Please contact
Pam by e-mail at
go to IDR's website at
for adoption information and application.