The Duke!! This is one time discrimination helped this DobeDude!!
you for seeing my True Grit!!
Any questions Pilgrim??
9 year-old Senior boy Duke was surrendered to rescue because
his owner's Homeowner's Insurance discriminated against
Dobermans. However, given that he'd spent the last 5 years
of his life living outside in a doghouse, this turned out
to be a lucky break for The Duke. He came to rescue
heartworm positive and loaded with worms - another indication
of the kind of care he was getting! He lived outside with
another male and female dog but because he was neutered
later in his life he could still have some issues with other
males. We do know he's not a cat lover and has never been
around children. He does know his basic commands and will
hold a treat in his mouth until he is told he can eat it.
He loves to play fetch and he "kills" his stuffies.
He was housebroken but due to living outdoors for 5 years
he is getting a refresher course on this skill.
Needs if any: None.
areas: Illinois and the surrounding states
Contact Information: Illinois Doberman Rescue will place
Dobes in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, or Wisconsin. Please contact
Pam by e-mail at
go to IDR's website at
for adoption information and application.