We are an all-volunteer organization of people with a common goal of helping Senior and special needs Doberman Pinschers. That need may be financial for Doberman Rescue Groups, or it may be only information and/or moral support for the owner of a Doberman with a serious illness or injury. We will also aid Rescue Groups in rehoming and fostering senior Dobermans they may place under their care. The financial aid we provide may come from donations, occasional online auctions or SND Store sales. Every precaution is taken to assure that the need is real. SND maintains an "every penny" rule which guarantees that 100% of donations to the care of Dobermans is used ONLY for that purpose. Administrative costs are covered with proceeds from our online store, by designated donations and by occasional auctions specifically for that purpose.

General Fund!! 

      **** Check Our Important Announcements Below!! ****

Senior Lady in Georgia...
A heart full of love & deadly worms!

Not so hospitable in the South!!

Uncommon cataract needs removal!!
No more pain and sight in left...

New life in sight!!

Deadly bloat strikes again!!
Saved early in ER, but cardiac

issues surface!!!

Special Needs Dobermans

General Fund Dobes

2023 General Fund Cases
2022 General Fund Cases
2021 General Fund Cases
2020 General Fund Cases
2019 General Fund Cases
2018 General Fund Cases
2017 General Fund Cases
2016 General Fund Cases
2015 General Fund Cases
2014 General Fund Cases
July-December 2013 GF Cases
January-June 2013 GF Cases
2012 General Fund Cases
Our Legacy Cases

    Fund Raising Activities
The SND Online Store & Book Nook!
Current Auctions & Sponsored Links

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The Senior Dobe Project
The Senior Medical Assistance Program

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    Announcment Archive
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Stubborn upper respiratory infection!
Luckily, NOT Valley Fever!

Expensive diagnostics & meds!!

Please enjoy a beautiful tribute to Rescued Dobermans everywhere - brought to us by a believer!!
Read it here
General Fund Dobes!!

The Senior Doberman Project

Special Needs Dobermans recognizes the difficulty in placing aging Dobermans in loving homes. Doberman rescue groups have worked tirelessly to save and care for these precious creatures, and we would like to help you find them forever homes. We publicize the plight of Senior Dobes in addition to creating a national database and website dedicated to senior Dobes in need of families. Special Needs Dobermans Senior Doberman Project provides the website for Rescue Groups for publicizing their Senior Dobes’ needs. The Doberman community is truly reaching out to address this crucial cause. Please visit our page at www.doberman911.org/seniors. Find out what's being done to help our senior friends!

* * * *SND's Senior Doberman Project's* * * *
Featured Senior!

Meet Mr. Bubba !!

Bubba the Brave, Stick Hunter !!

Click my picture above and visit my page!!
And... He'd love Sponsors while he's enjoying life!!

This gem is a forever foster request from his owner because she became ill and is in hospice care. His previous owner is a long time Doberman advocate and rescuer. His best friend is Mr. Bean and they go everywhere together. He has become quite active since arriving and is looking good. His hair is also starting to grow back. Bubba is quite bonded to papa now and is very attentive. Bubba had a reputation for behavioral issues but he’s had no issues here. It was said he is protective and will approach strangers and secure their hand or arm with his mouth until told to release. He’s been a dream here at the rescue..  Visit him here: https://doberman911.org/seniors/cases/nm_bubba.html and then send him some Sponsorship love!!!

You can learn more about Bubba and many other Seniors who need your support by going to https://www.doberman911.org/seniors/cases. Here you can also help Doberman rescues across the country with their Seniors by sponsoring a Senior Doberman for $40 per month or $480 per year. Our goal is to encourage Rescues to take in more Seniors by helping them with the day to day expenses for routine medical care or just extras like nice comfy beds and toys to make their golden years the best yet. It's a great way to honor the lives of these older Dobermans, many of whom never knew love or care during their younger years.

If you have any questions about Bubba or any of our other beautiful Seniors, please email us at seniors@doberman911.org. Thank you for your support !!

The Senior Medical Assistance Program


Special Needs Dobermans has placed a special focus on fundraising efforts to assist Senior Dobermans with their medical needs. Having provided a lifetime of love, devotion, and loyalty, these Seniors now find that they are faced with increasing debilitating medical problems. These loving seniors may be with a rescue group and seeking a forever homes or they may be in hospice care with their RescueAngels. Since the financial burden of providing necessary medical treatments is sometimes beyond the means of their caregivers, they apply to SND for financial assistance. While SND lists Seniors in Need on our General Fund Page, we must help Seniors by reaching out to the Doberman community by raising funds for the Seniors Medical Fund.  This fund is exclusively for Senior Dobes in the care of Rescue Groups.   Here are four beautiful Seniors who have benefited from this great program:

  Rommel                  Sage               Gunther            Magnum

The SND General Fund


Special Needs Dobermans is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. We are able to help Dobermans thanks to the generosity of people like you!! Your donation to SND is tax deductible. All money donated on behalf of the Dobermans, every cent, goes towards their care.

The SND General Fund is used to get new Dobes that come our way some initial assistance. Donations made to this fund ensure that we'll always be able to help, now and in the future. Please consider making a contribution to the General Fund by using the PayPal Donation link below or by mailing in a donation. Thank you very much for helping us help Dobes in need!

General Fund!! 



* * * * SPECIAL NOTICE * * * *

Please be advised that we no longer accept applications for financial assistance to private owners as of 15 March 2013.  We will still provide information on fundraising and other concerns as we always have.  Please refer to our contact and "Help" pages for more information.

January 25, 2024  - 2023 Tax Receipts and 23rd Annual Newsletter were emailed to donors to meet the IRS deadline of January 31st!  Snail mail letters followed shortly thereafter! We always send a huge THANKS to all our donors for our latest (the 23rd!) successful year of helping Dobermans!!  Secret Santa and Miss Fay also came through in a big way allowing a another year of Doberman assistance to rescues distributed in grants!!  We will continue to work toward the magic $3 Million mark (we were so VERY close)for our precious Dobermans in 2024!!  To all of YOU, our supporters, all of us at SND extend our best wishes to all YOU Doberman Lovers for a healthy, happy, and phenomenal 2024!! Remember, we can't do it without YOU!!

August 22 , 2023 In June of this year, a champion of Dobermans and founder of Dog Mountain Rescue passed away.  All of us at SND mourn her loss and she will be sadly missed.  We wish her family our sympathy and hope they will revel in the thoughts of her accomplishments on behalf of her beloved Dobermans.  Thank you Ann, you will be sorely missed.  Here is the tribute we posted for her.

In Memory of Ann Koch
June 22, 2023
Rest in Peace dear Dobe Angel, Dear Friend...
...and from Ann's son Greg: "Any person who puts the needs of a dog above her- or himself
was a friend to my mother and thus a friend to me."

Please click to read Greg's eulogy to his Mom, Ann.

January 17, 2023  - 2022 Tax Receipts and 22nd Annual Newsletter were emailed to donors to meet the IRS deadline of January 31st!  Snail mail letters followed shortly thereafter! We always send a huge THANKS to all our donors for our latest (the 22nd!) successful year of helping Dobermans!!  Secret Santa and Miss Fay also came through in a big way allowing a RECORD year of Doberman assistance to rescues disbursed!!  We will continue to work toward the magic $3 Million mark for our precious Dobermans in 2023!!  To all of YOU, our supporters, all of us at SND extend our best wishes to all YOU Doberman Lovers for a healthy, happy, and phenomenal 2023!! We can't do it without YOU!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

January 21, 2022  - 2022 Tax Receipts were sent a few days ahead of time to meet the IRS deadline of January 31st!  As always, we extend a huge THANKS to all our donors!!  Fueled by your generosity and another wonderful result of the 2022 Secret Santa Campaign In Honor of Santa's great assistant, Miss Fay!  We are working hard to reach the THREE MILLION Dollar mark raised for Dobermans in 2023!!  Thanks to all of YOU, our supporters, for our latest (the 22nd!!) successful year of helping the Dobermans we all love!! Remember, we can't do it without YOU!!  Wishing all of you and yours a wonderful 2023!!

January 25, 2022  - 2021 Tax Receipts were sent a few days ahead of time to meet the IRS deadline of January 31st!  Always a huge THANKS to all our donors!!  Our success in 2021 was due to both the wonderful results of the 2021 Secret Santa Campaign In Honor of Santa's great assistant, Miss Fay, and The Rebecca Palandjian Bequest.  We surpassed the TWO MILLION Dollar mark raised for Dobermans in 2021 and we are currently working on our THIRD MILLION!!  Thanks to all of YOU, our supporters, for our latest (the 21s!!) successful year of helping Dobermans!! We can't do it without YOU!!  Wishing all you Doberman Lovers a healthy, happy, fantastic 2022!!

December 31, 2021  - Secret Santa heads back to the pole and ALL of us extend mega-thanks to all of you for your donations during the campaign - all of them happily matched by SS.  Checks dated December 31st will be honored until USPS considers them delivered even if postmarked incorrectly - you know, the virus did it!!

November 14, 2020  !! GRAND OPENING !!  SND Café Doberman!!  Our brand new café is now open at a new location!  We hope you will join us there!!  Click here https://groups.io/g/SND-Cafe-Doberman and scroll down to the email link to subscribe.  You'll get an email in return confirming your request - return that and you'll get a welcome message! If you encounter any issues, just drop us a line here info@doberman911.org. 

September 12, 2020  PLEASE WELCOME our newest sponsored link friends at Rescueddog.com !!  They support Special Needs Dobermans and we support them!  We LOVE their slogan: Drink a Beer, Save a Dog!  Take a look at their great products and you'll be supporting them and us too!!  Holidays are always around the corner!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Click here to visit our ANNOUNCEMENT ARCHIVES for SND milestones!!


Visit SND on Facebook!!


Please Support SND by using iGive/iSearch and GoodSearch/Shop to search or shop!
Between iGive and Goodshop, thousands of merchants are listed who provide discounts for purchases made using their portals - these translate into Dollars for Dobermans paid to SND to support our mission!!


Or, you can just choose one of our Funds and make a donation!!

SND Funds!! 


For more information about Special Needs Dobermans, please email info@doberman911.org

Some states may prohibit or restrict the solicitation of donations via the Internet or web sites. SND has no intention of violating the laws of any state and, therefore, does not intend to solicit funds in those states that prohibit or restrict such solicitations.