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Febuary, 2011!! Mr. Adolfo has been adopted! HAPPY RETIREMENT Mr. Adolfo!!   

Date Listed
Sandown, NH

Rescue Group:

Primary Contact:
Doberman Rescue Unlimited, Inc
Deb Wiebe

Meet Mr. Adolfo!! You could be the object of his intense affections!

To meet 9 year-old Adolpho is to fall in love. This gorgeous Senior Doberman was quite ill when he was dropped off at a county shelter with a a painful urinary tract infection, Lyme's Disease, and hypothyroidism. He has now recovered from these illnesses and is doing very well in his Camden, Maine foster home. He loves to lay his big head in any available lap while looking up at you with a furrowed brow and and a furiously wagging nub. He is an expert at the "Doberman Poke" has a gentle, old soul.

Special Needs if any: Inexpensive thyroid medication.

Geographic areas: New England and New York

Contact Information:

Contact: Deb Wiebe
Phone #: 603-887-1200

Doberman Rescue Unlimited, Inc.
52 Tenney Rd.
Sandown, NH 0387

The Sponsor A Senior program helps Seniors by raising funds for their rescue programs. This helps offset some of the additional costs that come with caring for a senior (diet, medications, supplements, etc.). Please read more about this program on the Sponsor A Senior page.

Mr. Adolfo is looking for a sponsor and a Forever Home! The cost to sponsor a Senior Dobe is $30 per month or $360 per year. You can sponsor a Senior for one month, one year, or somewhere in between. To sponsor Adolfo, use the PayPal button below or visit the Sponsor A Senior page for instructions on sending a check. Thank you for any help you can give, it is MUCH appreciated!

Use PayPal to SponsorAdolfo!
SDP - Marco!
All rights reserved, Special Needs Dobermans, Inc. © 2002. Reprinting of material found herein without written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998-2009 L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied without permission.