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Needs a Home
Date Listed
Barrington, Illinois


Primary Contact
Pam Abare

When Debo started urinating blood about a year ago, his owner decided to house him outdoors. Debo has been living outside ever since because his owner did not have the resources to have him treated by a vet. Finally when Debo started to worsen, his owner took him to a shelter that promptly contacted Illinois Doberman Rescue for help. Within a few short hours (during the holidays!) several volunteers completely rearranged their schedules to rescue Debo who was in a shelter in Indiana. Before the night was over, Debo had emergency surgery in Fox Lake Illinois to correct a perineal hernia. Debo had traveled over 150 miles to finally sleep indoors and receive the medical attention he needed for over a year. People in the Doberman community often speak about how resilient this breed is and Debo is a living testament to this. Despite the severe pain he must have been in, he managed to do a very respectable Dober-lean and has completely charmed his foster parents with his great attitude! This guy is also fairly skinny but his foster folks will diligently help him add weight as he begins to feel better. He is currently wearing a cone on his head, which will prevent him from doing the Dober-lick on his Dober-derrière! Although he's not too happy about his foster brothers calling him "cone-head," he is taking it like a man and ignoring their taunts. Once he is past this crisis, Debo will get a thorough check-up to determine the reason for his original urination issues. Lastly, dear Debo is also receiving treatment for his heartworm condition.

Debo is 7 years young, black/rust, cropped, docked, and neutered. One thing you'll notice for sure, despite his swollen derrière, Debo is a very handsome guy who is darn happy he'll be alive to welcome in the New Year.

Illinois Doberman Rescue will adopt in the following areas: Illinois, Iowa, Indianan, and Wisconsin.

Debo 2.25.2004


Debo's Happy Tail!! 05.20.2004

Debo's in his forever home now!!

SDP - Debo!
All rights reserved, Special Needs Dobermans, Inc. © 2002. Reprinting of material found herein without written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied without permission.